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Ketamine has been studied most extensively for the treatment of depression, and has rightly been heralded as the single most important advancement in the treatment of depression in more than 50 years.  To date, there are more than two thousand scientific papers devoted to the topic.


​Unlike most antidepressants which are pills that must be taken every day (sometimes multiple times a day), ketamine is administered by IV infusion typically no more than a few times a year.


​Ketamine works by a completely different biological mechanism than traditional antidepressant medications (such as SSRIs). For this reason, it tends to work much faster than those medications and can often help even when those others don’t.


​What’s more, ketamine does not interact negatively with other antidepressants, so ketamine can be used together with them and there is no reason to stop your current antidepressants to undergo ketamine therapy. In fact, if you are currently taking other antidepressant medications but feel you are not getting enough relief, it is possible to pursue treatment with ketamine while still taking your other medications and receive a synergistic effect.


​While ketamine infusion therapy is commonly sought out by patients who have not responded well to other treatments and may be diagnosed with “treatment resistant depression”, ketamine is also appropriate for patients who have not tried traditional antidepressants but are still experiencing depression.


If you would like to learn more about ketamine therapy for the treatment of depression you can check out our resources page here.  


Click here for treatment protocols and pricing.

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